peachseed 104: Jenna Fuscher

Jenna Fuscher is a patient, kind, humble human with hands that transmute love into anything she touches. This is superpower happens to be an excellent fit for a self-taught pastry chef. All of her exotic house plants also happen to be unusually vibrant too.
Jenna has magic touch that comes from an unusually strong connection between her hands and her heart. You can taste joy and love in cake, pie, and cookie form at Baked On Rose, the current vehicle where you can access her expertly crafted, surprisingly light, and perfectly balanced sugary creations.
I met Jenna on my first day working on the farmers market team for Gjusta and for close to two years every Wednesday and Saturday, I would deliver plastic crates specifically labeled in masking tape “Jenna for Pastry” filled with the freshest fruit in California (and borage flowers) sourced from the Santa Monica Farmers market. My post work bi-weekly reward was a late afternoon beach sugar siesta centered around eating one of Jenna’s latest fruit pie, tart, cake, croissant baked creations.
Find Out More about Jenna’s creations: